Wellness Coaching

My Story

The picture on the left tells a story of a women who was on a roller-coaster of diets. These included Jenny Craig, Shake diets, The Soup diet, Lite n easy, Weight watchers and even to the point at times where she would starve herself.

Picture 1 – 2009  128 Kilos 
Picture 2 – 2019   60 Kilos 
Picture 3 – 2021 (now)

A weight loss journey that would always start with losing weight and mindset shift to : 

”When I lose all the weight I will look and feel so much better in myself.“

Which I did for a period of time and then the weight just came back on.

Why did this happen? It is because of the following :

1. Fad diets don’t work long term 

2. Life challenges including  work, health issues and the roles and responsibilities of a mum, wife and family life 

3 . Emotional eating to compensate for life’s challenges  

4.  Anti depressants which helped me in the short term alongside 7 years of counselling, which was needed. 

Fast track to the girl in the second picture. A women who found her niche, purpose and “mojo” when it came to health, fitness and mindset change.

Diagnosed with a type of blood cancer early 2018 after relocating with my family to Albury,  I decided enough was enough. I had to make a change. I joined a gym and with the support of all my doctors, I turned my health, fitness and mindset  around. I have  never in my life been this healthy and fit. This saw me become the club winner of Fernwood Albury’ s 12 week challenge.

I have fought hard over the past 12 months to maintain my health, fitness and mindset change. No diets, gimmicks or fast fixes, just hard work on ME. I deserve it. 

I’m not going to sugar coat it, I’m not perfect and have faced many challenges along the way and I still do. It’s called life !!! But I have the tools in my tool box now that allow me to not go back.  I don’t want to ever be that woman in the first picture again. I am now the  true authentic women I have dreamt about.

Everyday I move forward, not backwards. My message is simple. Yes it’s hard ! Yes it’s difficult ! Yes you need to make sacrifices ! Invest in you, because you’re worth investing in, don’t you think ?

How can I help get you to where you want to go? 

Let’s change some of that negative mindset that might sound like “I work full time, I’m too busy, I don’t have the time, I’m tired, I don’t feel well, my health won’t let me, I can’t afford it and the list goes on ….”

Lets work together and change that to “Yes you can do it !!!”

Let me help you fall in love with food and fitness again and allow you to follow your dreams and  passions. We will work on shifting your mindset by starting with things like: stop pleasing others, start to use that word “no” more often and getting those tools in your tool box to help you long term to start living again.

Why wouldn’t you want to feel amazing and every time you look at yourself in the mirror, you fall in love with that person looking back. 

I know it sounds crazy but it can happen, it happened for me.  

What does it mean? It means us working on getting you to start putting YOURSELF first, loving yourself and being the best version of you, because your best is enough. 

I can get you there !! 

If you would like to find out more I would love to here from you.

Let’s get you to where you need to go. 

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